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hit and marshawn

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Posts posted by hit and marshawn

  1. OK... I usually do not comment on these boards, for the simple reason of individuals coming here just to piss people off cause their life sucks that bad.

    But I have to ask what in gods name are these newbies smoking while coming here to post comments on some POSITIVE news for once. I have been seriously coming to TBD since its inception. (Obviously had a few member names). And I cannot remember a time where I am more excited for a season since the damn mcm season. I have been to plenty of bills games across the country, and I am seriously moving there for the 2013 season and will get season tickets at the Ralph. I am a business owner. And plan on bringing some jobs to the Buffalo area. I have lived in Chicago all my life and have season tickets to the Bears. But I am the biggest bills fan and I am just as credible a fan as anyone in Western NY. Anyone who thinks that is not possible might wanna think outside the box for once. Or at least outside of little Buffalo. Anyway....


    For anyone to think that Brady, Bellicheat, or Rex are not deeply thinking how to stop this front four on d is wrong. This team on d is so much closer to being that perrinal powerhouse. I honestly ask this. Name a better d-line that has been better (on paper) than that 85 bears d-line with dent and crew. I know we haven't played a real snap yet. But.. ... Kyle W, Super Mario, Big ASS Dareus, and Mark Anderson. The additions of our draft picks and our offense back with Freddy, Wood, (hopefully Hardy) etc etc has made me more optimistic with this season since the last time we were in the playoffs. Thats gonna end this year. Bills go 11-5 and make the playoffs. Remember this come Jan. From the Bills biggest fan IN CHICAGO.....LOL


    Not to call you out because I agree with most of what you wrote, but as someone who considers themselves the biggest bills fan I would like to let you know Hardy is no longer in the NFL. That being said, go Bills. 11-5 is too modest. 38-0 (19-0 is too easy to call)

  2. I want the bills to win so badly. Besides the obvious reasons, I just read a chat with Teddy Bruschi on ESPN.com and he is not only more worried about the jets game next week than tonight, he also said that the game tonight will be a blowout. God I hate this guy so much. Lets blow them out, and watch teddy to stroke out tonight.


    Bills 33

    Pats* 17



    GO BILLS!!!!!

  3. One timeout was wasted, by Jauron. The other two were called at the line by the QB. Fred Jackson ran ONCE in short yardage red zone opportunities. To me, you're grasping at straws to make your "Jauron is a bad coach" point.


    EDIT: Now that I think about it, I think it was April who was calling for the "wasted" time out because it looked like they set up a tricky play for the PR which ensued. I could be COMPLETELY wrong, but it looked like GWilson intentionally lay down in front of Roscoe on the return to trip up the coverage guys. Almost worked too...


    the qb had to call them because the plays weren't being phoned in quick enough for the offense to line up. Also the fact that we are throwing on 2 and 2 and 3 and 2 from the goal line after lynch broke a 50 yarder on them, and also is normally money for at least one yard a play isn't exactly grasping at straws. I would say that the one grasping at straws is the person saying the coaching was adequite after a game where we put up 3 points on one of the worst defenses in the league

  4. What did we take form this game that made us think there is a glimpse of hope for the playoffs?


    Were they a good team we pounced all over? No a team with only one win this season

    Was it a great offense we went up against? NO but yet they put up 462 yards- what is up with that?

    Was it a great QB or a good QB at that we went up against? No a second year QB who had 3 turnovers

    Were we effecient against their stout defense on third downs? 29% I wouldnt call that effeicent on 14 attempts and we were 2-4 on 4th downs.


    yes we scored the most points than we have in a very long time, but please it was the KC Chiefs one of the worse teams in the NFL, sorry for being cynical or pesstimistic I like to call it being a realist the remaing schedule does not look that bright and a better team with a better QB would not have given this game away to us. IT reminds me a liitle bit of when we played against TB when RJ was starting and we had over 400 yds of offense and TB had under 300 and we lost that game. We still were not good enough to win and I still dont think we are. SHow me a win against Denver, Mia, JETS and NE then I will get excited because then we should be in the playoffs until that point no reason to get excited yet. One more loss seals the playoff coffin. My apologies to all you BILLIEVERS I will eat crow if they do but I just dont see it happening.


    The chiefs have not lost due to their offence, their young qb has proven to be a pretty effective passer thus far

  5. I dont think that it was Trents fault today as everyone said today. The line played poor both pass and run blocking, however that was not even the worst performance today. Terrence McGee got abused today. Ted Ginn destroyed him. Pathetic coverage all day long, as well as poor coaching to keep him in there on their no 1. I love McGee but he was clearly not at even 90%. He should have had a much more limited role

  6. I know that people here tend to just say who cares to this stuff, and the players dont watch it. But i would get fired up if i were the bills and just heard what they say on 1 and 10. Skip and osi uminyora just debated on if the pats can still win the east. They didnt even mention the bills, and said that they think there will be a two way tie at 9-7 between the brets and the pats.

    How can these two idiots not take a team who already has four wins in their pockets out of 5 games not be the front runner to win this division?

  7. How can you make jokes about our team moving? isnt this like the 12th home for your beloved raiders. Also art shell does not kick it in a cool jump suit, he kicks it in rhine stone glasses that are something that you would see behind the wheel of a caddy with blue hair on top of

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