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Posts posted by mike6683

  1. I am from CT and have had season tix for going on 7 years. My friends ask me often if I would go to the Superbowl if the Bills got there and I won the lottery to get tix.. My answer is I have no interest in going to the Superbowl to watch the game with a bunch of rich corporate douches. I would take a long weekend trip up to Buffalo with some of my friends from down here and watch the game at bar in Buffalo with real fans. The celebration when we win will be epic and way more fun in Buffalo than at the game


  2. I wouldn't put a W on this one so easily. However I wasn't as upset by this game as the Jets game and there were a lot of positives for a good portion of this game. I think we need to get used to the fact that we are not the worst team, we are not the best team. We will hang with some of the tougher competition which I feel like we did for most of the Pats game. But both sides of the ball are prone to mistakes. I personally think chan gave up on the run game to early in the Pats game.

  3. I think the most pleasant surprise this season has been the run D. I'm loving 100yards/game avg. after what we've been through the last few years. The DB's we have to expect them to go through some growing pains, hence the big gainers. Hopefully GW&JB can coach our corners along faster.

    Fitz is Fitz. He can be a good QB if you don't put the whole game on his shoulders. Keep a lead or a close game and we can rely on our sick run game (3rd in the NFL 178y/g, and thats with injuries).


    I think we have a chance at this game I dont think the Pats are as good as they have been in the past. However running the ball has never been how they have beaten us.

  4. I dont think we are the least talented team in the nfl this year by any means. It would be nice to see a bit of effort or have a player look like they give a crap out there or maybe a coach who will call the game like hes trying to win yes even if were down 20. Why does every time we actually pay a player they start to suck. ive been to about 20 games in the last 4 years I was at the game last week and ive been to poorly played bills games before. This team will finish 7-9 and you will all continue to say its just one game or its just the preseason or its because so many players got hurt. Ive said those things plenty of times in the last 13 years. They deserve to know that their fans are pissed off. But hey its just one game

  5. I dont usually get my hopes up for the Bills winning a lot of games. This year I thought we might have a chance to be better, but come out and play like we did last week, This is the first time I feel slightly embarrassed to call myself a bills fan so im bringing myself a bag just in case they start to make a habit of playing like crap.

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