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Honda Rider

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Posts posted by Honda Rider

  1. He should be forced to sing the Beatles tune "Baby I can hit you with my car..." in her hospital room, be suspended for 4 games if the report is true that he stopped then sped off and give that gal his car as a down payment of the law suit.

    Lynch is getting away without being charged with a DWI, hit & run. What a loser.

  2. I left Cheektowaga for Florida in 1973 after 20 years in the area and a tour with the Navy in Iceland. I was sick of the cold and snow. I have never lost my love for the Buffalo people, the food (Anchor Bar, John & Mary's Subs, Ted's Hot Dogs etc). Plus, I have never lost my love for the Bills & the Sabres. I return once in a while to visit relatives and attend a Bills & Sabres game. The only thing I have lost my love for in the area is the BS going on with the NFL, the Bills and Toronto (I won't go into that crap).

    The Buffalo area will always be my home...Florida is where I live and where I play golf and ride the motorcycle 12 months a year (with some exceptions).

    Buffalo natives always know a transplant because we always wear our BILLS hats, shirts and have genuine Buffalo Wings at poker games.

    I'll be in the stands when the Bills come to Jacksonvile on Sept. 14th.


    Corky in Jax

  3. Get used to it...It'll happen soon to a new stadium just across the border.

    if Lynch has a criminal record...which he will have after this feassco is finished, I guess he can be traded to the dullfish...but wait...does that mean he couldn't play in the Dec. game as a dullfish?

    The rambling is easy and endless...and fun.

  4. Lynch better get this squared away before the Bills move to Toronto. If he has a criminal record, he'd have to find a new team t play for.

    Obviously the wiesel has no balls or he would have stopped...whether he was driving or not...and assisted the person he hit with his over priced car.

    Arrest him, let him sit in jail for 72 hours.

    The the Bills can move to Toronto.

  5. The BILLS are gone...history...5 years max[/b]...as I said yesterday. Just read the Buffalo News stories on 5-21-08 from David Robinson and Mark Gaughan. They point out the reasons why the Bills are gone. The NFL and the owners with their rising player contracts and greed for profit (not to mention the cost of buying one of the teams) will drive the Bills right out of Buffalo and into Toronto. How does the "Toronto Bills" sound?

    Go ahead, keep your head in the sand, ignore the real facts and you'll be whining like a 2 year old when ALL the games are played on Canadian soil.

    I've been a BILLS fan since 1960 and attended many games at The Rockpile before movig away to play Navy during the Viet Nam era. I still attend Bills games in Buffalo and other cities when I have a chance.

    When the Bills move, I will send all my Bills stuff to their new address, get rid of my B1LLS license plate and give up on the NFL forever. I'd cancel my NFL Ticket if the wife wasn't such a Colts fan (plus I still love watchoing the Dullfish lose).

    The NFL is about to screw every Bills fan in the world without even a kiss good-bye.

  6. GLOOM & DOOM for the NFL and the BUFFALO BILLS.

    Ralph will pass away, the team will be sold to the Toronto Money. There is no way the NFL will pass on that cash cow.

    The Bills will move to Toronto...Does the Toronto Bills have the same ring...

    The NFL will not have an agreement with the players so the 2010 or 20011 football season will be screapped.

    They will all see that they can't live without each other (players and owners want that good cash).

    Fans will tell them both to "stick it" (I already have).

    There's no one smart enough to solve the upcoming labor agreement.

    Ralph's family will already have their cash so they won't care.

    The NFL will slide like the NHL and lose all respect.

    Basket ball has none and who cares about the doped up baseball players.

    It's all down hill...

    Bring on college football. At least the players are paid less.

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