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McDermott Growth/Expectations

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11 minutes ago, SWATeam said:

The real million dollar question is do you trust the Pegulas to make a good hire?


I trust the consulting firm they use to run the search to make a good hire, yes. It wouldn't be too difficult. It's not like last time when the Bills job was considered to be the dregs of the league. Any great coaching candidate would love to get the keys to Josh Allen for 5+ years to start (or revitalize) their career.


15 minutes ago, GunnerBill said:



No it didn't. 


9 minutes ago, Process said:

Ive been ready to move on from McDermott for a little while now but I strongly disagree that the latest loss was on coaching. That one was 100% on the players, more specifically the WRs, and of course bad injury luck. 


I think everyone has had their say a dozen times over, yes? There's really nothing else to be said. The conversation this offseason is the same as it was last offseason, just with one more data point of evidence to consider. This coming season will give us one more data point to use to evaluate him. I strongly suspect it will turn out the same as past years, but hopefully I'm wrong.


Edited by HappyDays
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9 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


I trust the consulting firm they use to run the search to make a good hire, yes. It wouldn't be too difficult. It's not like last time when the Bills job was considered to be the dregs of the league. Any great coaching candidate would love to get the keys to Josh Allen for 5+ years to start (or revitalize) their career.






Do you follow hockey?

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47 minutes ago, SWATeam said:

The real million dollar question is do you trust the Pegulas to make a good hire?


Unless Pegula cleans house then that job would be Beane's. 

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Just now, Gregg said:


Unless Pegula cleans house then that job would be Beane's. 


A) if he fires McD he clears house. They are tied at the hip.


B) even if he doesn't in two hiring cycles so far Pegula hired guys other than his GMs recommendation.

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1 minute ago, GunnerBill said:


B) even if he doesn't in two hiring cycles so far Pegula hired guys other than his GMs recommendation.


Rex and Marrone were overrules but the McDermott hire was Whaley's choice and ironically the first time he felt secure enough to really push Pegula into adhering to his recommendation.



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Just now, Simon said:


Rex and Marrone were overrules but the McDermott hire was Whaley's choice and ironically the first time he felt secure enough to really push Pegula into adhering to his recommendation.




Nah he wanted them to interview Keith Butler from the Steelers. From the first interview the Pegulas were texting McDermott behind Whaley's back while he continued to run a process that he believed was still ongoing.

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14 minutes ago, GunnerBill said:


Nah he wanted them to interview Keith Butler from the Steelers. From the first interview the Pegulas were texting McDermott behind Whaley's back while he continued to run a process that he believed was still ongoing.


I won't get into a pissing contest about it, but this is not true.

They were certainly communicating with McDermott behind Whaley's back after he was hired, but McDermott was the guy that Whaley wanted them to bring in.

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3 hours ago, Mikie2times said:

It's not significant. What is significant is teams having a nearly identical regular season record as us with the QB play we had. Everybody wants to boast about our regular season championships and how we might lose that consistency if it weren't for McD. Our fan base is like a bunch of beaten dogs. McD gave us a treat for the first time in 20 years and and we didn't think we deserved more. Meanwhile the best window in this franchises history is going to pass us by as a result. 

It’s not significant. So it’s basically the same as everyone else with great QB’s. So yeah, it’s a silly point.


What do you expect? McD isn’t a HoF coach. Did you expect 6 titles by now? 

It’s pretty well-known that great QB + good coach is a recipe for playoffs every season. Great QB plus bad coach is how you get the Chargers.


Sean Payton, a HoF coach, paired with prime Drew Brees, a HoF QB, missed the playoffs 3 straight years. Had multiple playoff choke jobs. 

You think TBD is a bunch of beaten dogs, I think you guys have really unrealistic expectations.


We have the second best QB in the league paired with a top 10 HC. That doesn’t mean we are gonna be a dynasty. It’s the same people who bought the “win now and win in the future” garbage that Beane spewed. 

We were never gonna be the next Pats. That’s hard to hear but it’s the truth. It’s just not us. We are closer to the Steelers or Colts of that era. Peyton Manning didn’t win a Super Bowl til he was 30.

1 hour ago, HappyDays said:


I trust the consulting firm they use to run the search to make a good hire, yes. It wouldn't be too difficult. It's not like last time when the Bills job was considered to be the dregs of the league. Any great coaching candidate would love to get the keys to Josh Allen for 5+ years to start (or revitalize) their career.




I think everyone has had their say a dozen times over, yes? There's really nothing else to be said. The conversation this offseason is the same as it was last offseason, just with one more data point of evidence to consider. This coming season will give us one more data point to use to evaluate him. I strongly suspect it will turn out the same as past years, but hopefully I'm wrong.


I think we all agree there are some problem performances.


some of us think it’s more the players and failed/disappointing investments on defense. Some of us think it’s the more the coaching. 

I think we also agree at a certain point of beating your head against a wall, sometimes you have to make a change. 

we just don’t agree on the why and the when lol

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1 hour ago, SWATeam said:

Do you follow hockey?


I don't but it's not similar team building at all, that is one thing I know for sure.


Anyways that's not an argument to keep McDermott. If the current guy isn't good enough you have to try something different. If different fails, well at least you tried.


The only reason to keep McDermott is if you think the team has a strong chance of winning a championship under his leadership. That is the only question that matters. So far we have not really come close under his leadership. Now we're entering his 8th season, let's see what happens.

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3 hours ago, Mikie2times said:

He's not getting into X's and O's, mechanics, or overriding Brady with any frequency. He's not a QB coach and has no offensive experience. 


What do you think he is doing with Allen to impact that number so much? 

I think that it is much easier to post good QB performances when you split field time with a top-5 defense and play for a competent, well-run football organization.  Compare and contrast with, say, Justin Herbert.

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To the OP how can anyone put serious expectations on the season with this pathetic of a WR room?  Getting to the playoffs would be fine.


It could be that Pegula is setting up Beane/McD for failure by withholding funds and not letting Beane trade for his WR1 after June 1st (Beane's plan all along). It is following the J Jones model in Dallas where McCarthy is a dead man walking.


Pegula could be doing this because of the affect of Kim and the new business arrangement.   Then assuming a down year by the Bills, Pegula would then fire McBeane and hire B Belichick, who would relish the opportunity to have Josh and destroy the Patriots.


We will know more by mid-June.

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23 hours ago, FireChans said:

You asked what he would be. He would’ve been the HC of the most successful season in the last 17 years of Bills history. 

He would be Dick Jauron without Josh Allen and nothing more.

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10 hours ago, Einstein's Dog said:

To the OP how can anyone put serious expectations on the season with this pathetic of a WR room?  Getting to the playoffs would be fine.


It could be that Pegula is setting up Beane/McD for failure by withholding funds and not letting Beane trade for his WR1 after June 1st (Beane's plan all along). It is following the J Jones model in Dallas where McCarthy is a dead man walking.


Pegula could be doing this because of the affect of Kim and the new business arrangement.   Then assuming a down year by the Bills, Pegula would then fire McBeane and hire B Belichick, who would relish the opportunity to have Josh and destroy the Patriots.


We will know more by mid-June.


Trading for a WR1 after June 1st has never been the plan.

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This entire thread brings back memories of all of the discussions around Ryan Fitzpatrick explaining that even though he was in his 7th NFL season he was virtually a rookie.  

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55 minutes ago, Chaos said:

This entire thread brings back memories of all of the discussions around Ryan Fitzpatrick explaining that even though he was in his 7th NFL season he was virtually a rookie.  

That is an apt comparison.

McD is the Fitzpatrick of HCs. He’ll look good until he completely bungles it.

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Some fans are REALLY invested in seeing McDermott fail. Even moving goal posts ahead of time just in case we exceed expectations. 


I get it. 13 Seconds hurt and some people don't know how to process that hurt and trauma. They want to BLAME SOMEBODY!!!! But that's not going to change the past. And it's low vibration crap. 


McDermott made all his haters look like MORONS this past season with the winning streak to end the year. Give it up guys. McDermott is going to win a championship with the Bills, maybe multiple. The sooner you get off this hate train, the more you can enjoy the championship run without a bad feeling in your gut. Instead of feeling bliss you'll go "we won in spite of McDermott!". But you'll just be a spiteful person. 


I see it in every thread. Nobody can just enjoy Allen. Somebody has to pop in and say "Allen is great but.....McDermott". Bro, just enjoy life. It's so obvious how horrendous the mentality is around here. God forbid the team takes on this loser mentality of portions of this fanbase. They'll be sitting at the dive bar with multiple posters and Doug Whaley talking about who we should fire next. 

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38 minutes ago, ToGoGo said:

Some fans are REALLY invested in seeing McDermott fail. Even moving goal posts ahead of time just in case we exceed expectations. 


I get it. 13 Seconds hurt and some people don't know how to process that hurt and trauma. They want to BLAME SOMEBODY!!!! But that's not going to change the past. And it's low vibration crap. 


McDermott made all his haters look like MORONS this past season with the winning streak to end the year. Give it up guys. McDermott is going to win a championship with the Bills, maybe multiple. The sooner you get off this hate train, the more you can enjoy the championship run without a bad feeling in your gut. Instead of feeling bliss you'll go "we won in spite of McDermott!". But you'll just be a spiteful person. 


I see it in every thread. Nobody can just enjoy Allen. Somebody has to pop in and say "Allen is great but.....McDermott". Bro, just enjoy life. It's so obvious how horrendous the mentality is around here. God forbid the team takes on this loser mentality of portions of this fanbase. They'll be sitting at the dive bar with multiple posters and Doug Whaley talking about who we should fire next. 

consent GIF

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Really enjoying the folks who would rather the Bills lose so they can be right about McDermott than continue to be a good team year in and year out with McDermott at the helm.

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A person should know better than even to take a look at—let alone start—a thread that has the name "McDermott" in it, because it will immediately descend into the same obsessive pissing and moaning by his haters, without a trace of originality. You'd be better off hitting your head with a two-by-four for the next hour or so. 


That's all I got on this subject. 



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