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On 10/19/2022 at 12:38 PM, BillsFanNC said:

The swamp runs very deep.  Will not be cleaned up in any of our lifetimes.



You can do this with everything.   Every time you lose its the swamp.  Cmon man.  Yes govt is corrupt but sometimes you are just wrong.   It happens.   I think it happened to me once even in the 90s.

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GOP expects Trump to be indicted a couple of months after midterm elections: Report

Washington Examiner, by Misty Severi


Republicans privately expect Attorney General Merrick Garland to indict former President Donald Trump between 60 and 90 days after the midterm elections, according to a report on Monday. GOP aides on Capitol Hill and former strategists said they do not have insider knowledge about an indictment on Trump, but they claim that a deadline to indict the former president is quickly approaching and Garland is facing heat from Democrats to act fast. However, indicting Trump could have negative consequences for Democrats, some aides suggested.







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7 minutes ago, B-Man said:



GOP expects Trump to be indicted a couple of months after midterm elections: Report

Washington Examiner, by Misty Severi


Republicans privately expect Attorney General Merrick Garland to indict former President Donald Trump between 60 and 90 days after the midterm elections, according to a report on Monday. GOP aides on Capitol Hill and former strategists said they do not have insider knowledge about an indictment on Trump, but they claim that a deadline to indict the former president is quickly approaching and Garland is facing heat from Democrats to act fast. However, indicting Trump could have negative consequences for Democrats, some aides suggested.








He's definitely going to be indicted.


It also will definitely not work as planned for the corrupt DOJ.

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1 minute ago, BillsFanNC said:


He's definitely going to be indicted.


It also will definitely not work as planned for the corrupt DOJ.

Depends on what he’s indicted on. They have him dead to rights on the stolen documents. The Jan 6 stuff is a lot murkier. 

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Been through the executive summary.  I'd recommend that everyone at least read the ES.  Some stuff maybe worth looking into a tad bit deeper perhaps.  You know with whistleblowers are always to be believed and all that jazz...


Something tells me that that the @ChiGoose types of the board will have zero interest in this partisan report, but will instead wait for the other partisan committee report that was promised in September, so that they can hang on every last word.



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Roger Kimball: The FBI will not be forgiven after Tuesday: The House Republicans’ bruising report is a statement of intent.


People are not about to forget what the politicians and their bureaucrats just did to them. And if they do not forget, neither will they forgive.


Nor are they going to forget what the FBI has done and is doing to us. The dawn raids against non-violent political rivals of the regime and pro-life activists, the nationwide dragnets to nab people who protested against the 2020 election, the spying on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, manufacture of forged evidence in order to mobilize the awesome surveillance apparatus of the state against American citizens and undermine Trump’s presidency. The bill of indictment is long and damning. How long? More than a thousand pages in its first iteration, which GOP members of House Judiciary Committee dropped on Friday under the title “FBI Whistleblowers: What Their Disclosures Indicate About the Politicization of the FBI and Justice Department.”


What they indicate is an agency that has gone rogue and should be dismantled. This has been a theme sounding for more than a years now. Roger L. Simon, writing for the Epoch Times, said that the FBI, like ancient Carthage, must be destroyed. Holman Jenkins, writing for theWall Street Journal, said that the agency to be abolished. I’ve argued the same case several times, here, for example, and here. In my column for the December Speccie, I suggest that FBI be relocated to Kansas City and have its budget cut by 75 percent. “Then,” I write, “it should be taken apart altogether,” not least because “a national police is probably unconstitutional certainly un-American”


With few exceptions, the consensus is that the Bureau is beyond reformation or reclamation. Friday’s lengthy J’Accuse underscores the moral bankruptcy and corruption of the FBI.


Examples need to be made. Painful ones, that will discourage this sort of conduct in the future.



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