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27 minutes ago, B-Man said:







Democrats and the FBI Collude Again on a Russia Smear against Republicans:

This time, they’ve been able to turn Democratic collusion with foreign powers into an illusion of disinformation.



Not since Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers has a couple gone cheek-to-cheek quite like Democrats and the FBI.


This spring, we watched special counsel John Durham’s first Russiagate trial blow up on him, not because he lacked evidence of a 2016 fraudulent scheme to portray Donald Trump as a clandestine agent of the Kremlin, but because he portrayed one of the two main schemers, the FBI, as if it were a victim. In Durham’s indictment, the Clinton campaign lies to the bureau’s babes in the woods, gulling them into opening a baseless foreign-counterintelligence probe of whether her Republican rival is a Putin puppet. In Durham’s proof at trial, however, top FBI officials turn out to be fully aware that they are colluding with Clinton campaign operatives in exploiting political opposition research to try to nail Trump — and then labor to cover their tracks.


It’s an unfortunate blind spot. Durham has one conviction so far: a guilty plea from FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, whose manipulation of a document caused the FISA court to be deceived into granting a surveillance warrant to monitor a former Trump campaign adviser — again, substantially based on the Clinton campaign’s bogus opposition research. Except the case wasn’t charged as a fraud on the court. It was charged as a false statement to another FBI official. Yes, it seems even when the FBI itself lies, the victim is . . . the FBI.


And now we learn how adaptable the Democrat–FBI Russia two-step is: You can run it in reverse! Not only can the scheme distort actual disinformation into an illusion of Republican collusion with foreign powers. It also can turn actual Democratic collusion with foreign powers into an illusion of disinformation. Now, that’s some choreography, right there.


We’ve written a good bit about how Democrats and the Biden campaign, aided and abetted by their collaborators in media, social media, and the distressingly partisan network of current and former government national-security officials (pillars of the so-called Deep State, which I am going to have to stop describing as “so-called”), tried to con the country into believing Hunter Biden’s patently authentic “Laptop from Hell” was Russian disinformation. Well, now we see the fuller picture of how, far from pulling this tall tale out of the sky when the New York Post exposed the Hunter laptop in October 2020, these operatives simply incorporated it into a Biden campaign narrative that Democrats and pliant FBI officials had concocted two months earlier.


FBI Knew That Fear the Bidens Were Compromised Was Not Based on Disinformation

Republicans controlled the Senate in the 116th Congress in 2019, when Chairman Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) of the Finance Committee and Chairman Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) of the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs began probing the Biden family business of cashing in on Joe’s political influence. The focus was fishy foreign financial transactions. By then, the Justice Department and the FBI had been onto Hunter’s shenanigans for a year — again, long before the laptop’s existence emerged.


The government’s national-security apparatus had every reason to know the Bidens were compromised. As I’ve detailed, one of the family’s most lucrative deals had it partnering with a Shanghai-based conglomerate called CEFC, which turned out to be a Chinese intelligence operation. This is the deal where Joe Biden — “the big guy” — was to get a 10 percent cut . . . which may explain why he was so relieved that a New York Times exposé seemed only minimally damaging that he called Hunter (the son with whom he never talked business, no siree) to opine that Hunter was “in the clear.”


Among CEFC’s key executives was Patrick Ho, once described by Hunter as “the f***ing spy chief of China.” Ho was prosecuted by the Justice Department on foreign-corruption charges. Months before his arrest, CEFC’s top executive (and Xi Jinping protégé) Ye Jianming paid Hunter $1 million to snoop around and try to find out what the government had on Ho. That turned out to be a lot. In February 2018, federal prosecutors advised the defense that Hunter’s client, Ho, had been the subject of national-security surveillance under FISA. Within a week of this notice, the Chinese regime arrested Ye. He has not been seen in public since, and the regime quietly let the multibillion-dollar conglomerate go bust.


The Bidens were being lavishly paid by CEFC: It is documented that $6 million went into the family coffers.





Worst, most corrupt, president ever. And the worst, most corrupt FBI and Justice Department and national security bureaucracy ever — along with the worst, most corrupt media ever.





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On 7/26/2022 at 12:43 PM, DRsGhost said:


They spied on Trump and his campaign. Proven fact.








They SHOULD have spied on Trump. The Russians were obviously dicking with the election for him, HE GOT ON FREAKING TV AND ASKED THE RUSSIANS TO HELP HIM, the timing of his talking points was obviously aligned with Wikileaks…..WTF would you expect?

Edited by TH3
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13 minutes ago, TH3 said:

They SHOULD have spied on Trump. The Russians were obviously dicking with the election for him, HE GOT ON FREAKING TV AND ASKED THE RUSSIANS TO HELP HIM, the timing of his talking points was obviously aligned with Wikileaks…..WTF would you expect?

He did ask them to send over Hillary's emails that she deleted, so I guess that is bad.  Hillary concocted the whole thing with the DCCC and we know that.  What do you expect them to do now?

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29 minutes ago, TH3 said:

They SHOULD have spied on Trump. The Russians were obviously dicking with the election for him, HE GOT ON FREAKING TV AND ASKED THE RUSSIANS TO HELP HIM, the timing of his talking points was obviously aligned with Wikileaks…..WTF would you expect?


This much stupid should absolutely hurt.

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1 hour ago, TH3 said:

They SHOULD have spied on Trump. The Russians were obviously dicking with the election for him, HE GOT ON FREAKING TV AND ASKED THE RUSSIANS TO HELP HIM, the timing of his talking points was obviously aligned with Wikileaks…..WTF would you expect?


Yeah, when you're colluding with someone, you publicly admit it...

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7 minutes ago, Doc said:


Yeah, when you're colluding with someone, you publicly admit it...


Or in Trump's case - after meeting with the Russians 140+ times, exchanged campaign polling data with the Russians multiple times and coordinating WikiLeaks dumps - YOU DENY IT




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As pointed out previously in this forum more than a few times by the real DR and others, the timeline of crossfire hurricane and Trumps if you are listening press conference do not add up.


We are told that crossfire hurricane was opened based on a tip to the FBI from a FFG (Australia) who recalled a conversation with Papadopoulos earlier in 2016 after he heard Trumps Russia if you're listening comment.


The problem with that story?


The FFG called the FBI with the tip on July 26, 2016.


Trumps infamous press conference was on July 27, 2016.




Australian diplomat Alexander Downer was spurred to inform the U.S. government about a May 2016 conversation he had in a London wine bar with George Papadopoulos, in which the Trump campaign associate mentioned that Russia might have dirt on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, after hearing then-candidate Donald Trump say in July 2016, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails.” But, as the Washington Examiner pointed out, special counsel Robert Mueller and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz both concluded that Australia informed the United States of this conversation on July 26, 2016, one day before Trump made the comment about Russia

Edited by DRsGhost
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38 minutes ago, B-Man said:



The FBI Twice Interfered in the 2020 Election to Sabotage Trump. Now What?









My brain was melting out of my ears with the lunacy of this article, but it all made sense when I saw the author, whom I've never seen post anything requiring brain cells.

  • The botched FBI operation around Whitmer was somehow a plot against Trump
    • This is stupid. The FBI has been walking the very thin line between informants and entrapment for a long time and they really need to dial it back. But to claim that they do it just for political reasons requires a tremendous amount of ignorance on what they've been doing for years.
  • Military style round up of Jan 6 rioters
    • This is also stupid. Thousands of people were at the Capitol on Jan 6 but fewer than 1,000 have been arrested and 90% of those have been released while awaiting their trials. This is exactly how you would expect law enforcement to react to these events
  • Claims of collusion with Russia in 2016 were phony
    • Apparently this author did not read (or, given their grasp of facts and reality, is incapable of reading) the Mueller report. The 2016 Trump campaign was crawling with Russians, including Russian agents. Mueller documented dozens of interactions between the campaign and Russian operatives, but he made the decision not to evaluate based on "collusion" since that is not a legal term.

Also, the idea that law enforcement agencies such as the FBI skew liberal is really hard to believe given the people who generally sign up to work in law enforcement. It also requires completely ignoring James Comey's actions that may have tipped the election to Trump in 2016 when he broke with long-standing agency precedent by sending the Comey Letter.

Edited by ChiGoose
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8 minutes ago, B-Man said:



The FBI Twice Interfered in the 2020 Election to Sabotage Trump. Now What?









Imagine for a moment that Russia Trump collusion actually happened and was real.


Now imagine in October 2016 that the story is not reported by 95% of the media and is outright censored by big tech because intelligence officials signed a document saying the story has all the hallmarks of CCP disinformation.  For anyone interested enough to actually read the letter itself, they find that these 50 officials who signed it explicitly state in that letter that they have absolutely zero proof that the story is actual CCP disinformation, just that their "experience" tells them that it might be. This of course matters not one iota to a disingenuous media, who take the letter as proof of a CCP disinformation effort and report that the story can therefore be ignored.   



 The LA Times (for the purpose of this hypothetical is the outlet that broke the story) reporting is banned on all social media platforms and their Twitter account is locked. Huffpost and Axios are reporting on it, but the algorithms squelch widespread sharing. 


This is exactly what happened with the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was real and verifiable at the time the story broke in the NY Post.


But let's just forget all about that....there was no election rigging and meddling in 2020!

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3 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


Again that's you're misinformed reality, but carry on with the exercise that you conveniently ignored why don't you?




So you're saying that the 2016 Trump campaign did not have numerous contacts with Russians and work with Russians to help the campaign?

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